Sunday, June 14, 2015

Day 2: Different, Yet the Same

I think the hardest thing about being a blogger is creating consistent content that not only is delivered regularly, but that is somewhat helpful and entertaining for my audience. 

As a new blogger, I don't know my audience very well yet. I know what I would deem helpful and intriguing, but if my blog were just for me, I might as well write in a private journal. So, sorry if I "think out loud," but I am trying to put myself in the shoes of the typical mom based on my own experiences as a mom. And yet, I know that even in our similarities, we have so many differences.

There's a quote by Daniel Tiger (Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood) that comes to mind:

"In some ways we are different, but in so many ways, we are the same." 

And it's true. We are working moms. Stay-at-home moms. Work-from-home moms. Military moms. Single moms. Married moms. The list continues. 

Whichever resonates with you, I'll bet that you likely love your kids, want to find quality things to do together that is affordable and fun. You'll likely want to teach your child the things you value most, like serving and loving their community, responsibility, respect. You'll likely wonder how to juggle the millions of things that we do as moms, as well as the millions of questions that come with being a parent. And how do you mentally, physically, and spiritually cope with all the stress (not just negative, but even positive stress) that comes with the territory so we are not over exhausted and can have something left for our own personal growth.

Well guess what?! I don't have all the answers and I'm figuring this out myself, but I admire communities of moms that support each other in this journey. And that's what I am hoping to create with this, a community of mothers (and fathers, too!!) who are willing to be vulnerable and admit that even though we aren't perfect, we can allow God to draw the best out of us so that we can be the kind of parents that draws the best out of our kids! 

Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll stick with me and check back as I give writing an honest effort. I hope to be an encouragement to you. Keep it up! Parenting is hard, but nothing in the world can be as rewarding! 

I believe that God has a calling on all moms and dads. My pastor said today that He doesn't call the equipped, but He equips the called! So you don't have to be perfect, just willing to learn and willing to love and give your best! Thank goodness!

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